Saturday, November 6, 2010

Successful Saturday

Next weekend is our Sunday school's yard sale for the orphanage in Honduras. Today Scott and I went through all of our STUFF. We have tons of garbage bags full of clothes. There are 2 things sad about the bags full of clothes, 1. We just cleaned out our house last summer and 2. We still have a house full of clothes. Below is our garage where we are storing the yard sale items.


  1. that looks like a great pile of stuff! We are collecting an equally impressive pile of stuff. :( Happy to get rid of it... Sad to say that I had all of that stuff that I didn't need.

  2. WOW! Impressive pile, that's for sure. Doesn't it feel good to get rid of the "stuff" though? We've realize first-hand that it's amazing what one couple (with no babies even!) can collect.
