Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A day in the life....

of a school(apparel) teacher.
Apparel 2 is making keychains and lanyards as one of their class run businesses.

Why not make the color wheel fun? Students used the 3 primary colors and made the color wheel with icing and cookies! Their teachers later on in the day really love it when I do this lab....sugar high x chatter boxes= they already had my class for the day!
Above: Apparel 2 doing a batik lab. You apply wax to areas you don't want dye. Then dye the garment. Once the dye sets you remove the wax. A student hand drew this elephant.

Below: Apparel 1 tie dye lab.
Apparel 1 hand sews stuffed animals. These are just a few examples of their finished product.
Apparel 2 student sewing her garment.

I am always so proud of the work my students do in class. Being a project based class is rewarding not only for the students but for myself.

1 comment:

  1. Would they make your friend a keychain? They are cool and I heart them <3
