Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New ribbon

I ordered some new ribbons and they came in today! I still have the ribbons from the previous post. You now have a greater selection to choose from. If you have a hard time telling what colors are on a ribbon send an e-mail to and I will let you know.


  1. Do we just email the order to you? Sorry, I'm probably being a total's late and I'm not a night person. :) I really want to order a few so let me know or I'll try to remember to check back tomorrow when I'm more with it. :)

  2. Hey Bethanye!
    Good luck with your training and fundraising. I'm in my second season with TNT right now.
    Hope you don't mind the feedback, but you might consider putting the event that you're training for and the date on your TNT site. :)

  3. Running Mama..thanks for the interest. I posted a comment on your blog how to order.

    Courtney....Thanks for the advice. I will add that too my page. Good luck with your TNT training and fundraising.
