Saturday, November 19, 2011

Needed Category for races

This year for Thanksgiving we are breaking tradition. Mom, Chris, Scott, and myself have signed up to run the Turkey Trot 8k. Instead of waking up to watch the Macy's day parade while enjoying a cup of coffee and eating cinnamon rolls we will be running in the cold. Once we get home you can bet we will watch the DVR'd parade, warm up with a hot beverage (hot chocolate for me), and eat breakfast.
My second and probably final race until Mr. Reece comes is the Mistletoe run in W-S. This was the 5k run that started it all for me. This year I will be joined by my whole family and best friends! However, while signing up for these runs I decided they need a category for those running while pregnant. They have a baby jogger, Clydesdale, and Athena category. What about the crazy pregnant lady category? I figure there aren't many of us out there crazy enough to run in races while pregnant. Which means surely I could win an award in a race:)

1 comment:

  1. oh yes, I agree. . . there should be a crazy pregnant lady category. OH, I mean pregnant lady category. How silly of me. So proud of you sweetness!
