Wednesday, December 28, 2011

33 Reasons

Why it is good to workout while you are pregnant. A friend of mine gave me FitPregnancy magazines when she found out I was expecting. She had these while she was pregnant and really enjoyed them. I was so excited at first that I flew thru them all. The other night I thought I should go back and look at some of them and see what information was now more beneficial to me since I am farther along.

On the front of one of the magazines there was a featured article, 33 reasons you need to exercise now! Since I have been so faithful with my workout regimen I was curious what the 33 reasons were. All of the reasons seemed good enough to me, but there were a few that stood out in my mind.

#1. Labor and delivery may be easier. There is no surprise in my lack of pain tolerance. I really try not to think about this part of the pregnancy. Anything that might help with this process I am willing to try.
#10. You're more likely to avoid a forceps delivery, C-section or other intervention. I know that I do not have control over the delivery process once it comes, but I really don't want a c-section or any intervention method to be used. Yes, I know at that point in time I will just want him out and I won't care how.
#12. You'll get positive attention. So I don't care about the positive attention. What struck me about this one is that people at the gym are impressed to see a pregnant woman exercising. For me, I am just hoping they can tell I am pregnant and not someone with a pudgy tummy. I also know I am impressed myself when I see pregnant women exercising.
#14. Your labor may be shorter. They say your delivery is a lot like your mothers. Well my mom was in labor with me for over 20 hours. I really don't think Scott and tolerate me in pain for 20 hours....or me for that matter.
#20. You'll bounce back faster after delivery. Since I already plan on running a 1/2 marathon in the fall of next year, this one is really important to me.
#23. Your child may have a healthier heart. "The developing babies of prenatal exercisers have more efficient hearts than those of non-exercisers, and this higher cardio fitness level seems to last into the childhood years." Since Scott and I are already placing bets on what sports Reece will be playing this is important for us!
#27. You may be at lower risk for the No. 1 cause of premature birth. Of course we can't wait to meet and hold Reece, however we want him to be full term when he arrives. God does have his own plans, but hopefully prayer and exercise will work.
#30. You look better. Vain I know. "Exercise increases blook flow to your skin, enhancing that pregnancy glow. Plus, when you're calmer and fitter it shows."

While exercising I wear a heart rate monitor to make sure I am not pushing myself too far. I honestly feel so much better after I exercise. I feel like it has helped with my hormones(mood).

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