Monday, January 16, 2012

29 weeks

Reece Allen was weighing approximately 2.14 oz. last week. He should be measuring around 15" long. His movements are so much fun! Now he is all over my belly. We do have a pretty good idea how he is positioned because of the ultrasound last week. He is already head down and his spine goes around my right side and up to my belly button.

News from the last appointment: My placenta had moved, so they are no longer concerned with it being low. My hemoglobin and glucose tests all came back normal. We are also measuring perfectly where we should be! The best news of all was we were surprised with a sneak peek of Mr. Reece during the ultrasound. If Scott and I must say so ourselves we think he is beautiful! He does seem to have Scott's nose.

Emotions: After seeing Reece on the screen last week I know I fell in love with him even more. Once his face appeared on the monitor I instantly had tears in my eyes. I cannot wait to hold and kiss him. He has already brought so much joy into mine and Scott's lives. So far there are no feelings of nerves. Just ask me the same question after we take our child birthing class in 4 weeks.

Updates: His nursery is starting to come together. The chair railing is going up this evening. We still have a while until the furniture comes in. In a couple of weeks we are going to buy the glider/rocker for his nursery. This Friday we have our 3d/4d ultrasound. We are thrilled to share this experience with our parents and my sister. Only 11 weeks to go! Where the time has gone we do not know. We are anxiously awaiting his arrival, and quite thrilled to have him still growing and developing inside me. Until April 2, these are just a few of MANY things we pray, hope, and wish for Reece Allen Carrigan.

What we pray: Is for you to be a healthy and happy baby boy.

What we wish: Is for you to know how loved you are.

What we hope: Is that we will be the best parents we can be.


  1. So wonderful sweetness. You look beautiful - one might say you are glowing! We are truly in love with baby Reece already.
